Both my husband and I are enamoured with his 28608 cable knit sweater. I’ve been so jealous of him every time he’s worn it that I seriously contemplated making the exact same sweater for myself. Then I came to my senses and realized that I’d been yearning for a sweater vest and this pattern and wool would be perfect for one.

For my vest, I used Drops Nepal Medium Grey Mix and the same 28608 Dale Garn pattern as my husband’s sweater with the following mods:
- Sized down to XS
- 4.5cm deep hem ribbing
- Split for the arm holes 19.5cm from the hem
- Did my own armhole shaping
- Knit the back 1.5cm longer than the front
- Lowered the front neckline

I actually knit the front of this vest twice. The first time, I thought I would make it narrower by eliminating the outside rope cable on each side. Thankfully, I blocked it out and tried it on before going further and I just didn’t like it. The pattern didn’t look right without both rope cables. I frogged it back and re-knit the front to match the back.

I love Drops Nepal. It’s soft and great to work with and has excellent stitch definition. I’m still partial to my husband’s gorgeous cables in the Forest Mix colourway, but the Medium Grey Mix works well with almost all of my coloured turtlenecks so was a more practical choice for me.

Now that I have finally knit myself a sweater vest, I want another. I had actually been planning the Korshaven Slipover for a while but it took me a while to find the right coloured wool. I’ve got it now though and am aiming to have two sweater vests in my wardrobe by early January. I’m actually working on that vest in some of these photos.

I’m really pleased with how this vest turned out. It’s equal parts squishy and cozy and I’ve been loving wearing it since I finished. I have wanted a sweater vest since last winter but I had my husband’s sweater on the go so I couldn’t get to it. I’m happy I fit this one in amongst my other holiday knitting and sewing.

I almost chose the same colour of Drops Nepal that I had used for my husband’s sweater but decided at the last minute that grey would go with more things in my closet. Am I a bit disappointed in myself? Yes, a little. But I made myself a beanie with his leftovers as a consolation prize and we took photos with us both wearing our green knitwear, which turned out amazingly.
Here is one of them. They were taken before I finished my vest or you better believe I’d have been wearing it. He now says he’d like to have the same hat I’m wearing made out of the colour grey I used for my vest, so there will obviously have to be another photoshoot once I’ve done that. I didn’t know I wanted to look like I was on the cover of knitting magazine, but now that I’ve thought of it, it has to happen!
His mom knit his toque in this photo and I’m wearing my Lillet sweater that I never blogged about and my modified wide leg Ginger Jeans.
Happy Holidays!
~ Lindsay
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