Last year was my first year attempting to stick to a Make Nine. Obviously I make more than nine projects a year but by putting a few specific goals and garments that required more perceived effort on a list helped to keep me on track when new shiny patterns showed up in my feed. My 2018 Make Nine kept me on track to making my first underwear, my first leggings and my DIY jean jacket that I’d been procrastinating on for more than a year.

This year I am challenging myself to start making real pants. The Ginger Jeans and Lander Pants have been on my wish list for a long time and I think it’s finally time to tackle them. I’m also planning to make my first jumpsuit as well and I’d like to make two coats – one for spring because I was sorely missing one during Me Made May and one maybe longer one for winter.
2019 will also be my year to finally tackle bra making – or more accurately bralette making. Underwires and I have parted ways for good. I’d like to make a full coverage swim suit so I can stay out of the sun and a long 2-layer skirt for summer. Lastly I’m planning to make a dress. This one is a bit of whim because this pattern was recently released and was suckered into it because I didn’t have my plans set yet. I’m not sure it’s right for me but it’s on the list now so I guess I’ll see soon enough!

I’m not sure what I’ll tackle first, probably jeans because that’s the thing I’m most excited about right now (and I have all the fabric ready to go). Stay tuned…
Thanks for stopping by and Happy New Year!
~ Lindsay